Monday, January 29, 2007
We're Back...
We made it back from the funeral in North Carolina. Very Sad but good to be back home. I am going to try and update this blog more often but for now I need to unpack. Here's some pictures to keep you busy until my next update...
link | posted by Mrs. TSB at 5:20 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007
She Will Be Missed...

As of 7:34 this morning my Nanny took her last breath.
I don't think I will ever stop crying. God I miss her already.
link | posted by Mrs. TSB at 9:06 AM
Friday, January 19, 2007
Quietness Usually Means Sadness..(At Least With Me)
Sorry I haven't posted in over a month and a half. I have really been speechless. There are things going on in my life that makes me wonder how I am going to keep what sanity I have left. Christmas was wonderful, the girls had fun and received alot of stuff from family, friends and Santa. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
So far our New Year isn't going so well. It's rather sad really.
Remember me telling you about my grandma? I call her Nanny and she rocks! She has been the coolest Nanny and I would consider her my best friend. Well, the first of December she had a mild stroke and was put into a rehab facility, she was release this past Tuesday after being told they had done everything they could. Well, Wednesday morning I received a phone call from my grandpa saying he couldn't wake her up and she was on her way back to the hospital. And then the call came in...she had another stroke. This stroke was considered massive and she in in a coma. They did another CT scan today and her brain is swelling and we are being told she will pass away within hours or days...usually never holds on over a week or so. My heart is hurting. My mom is devastated. My grandpa? He won't survive without her. They have been married for 55 years and have been best friends through good times and bad. Fifteen years ago my grandpa had to have a tumor removed from his brain, we were told it was the size of a grapefruit, and my Nanny helped him recover from that and he says it's his time to help her. The sad part's too late.
My daughter (Twin E) went to the doctor in December and we were told something was wrong with her skull or brain that we needed to see a neurosurgeon. We knew she was delayed from the abuse but figured that's all it was. We went this past Tuesday and we were told most likely her brain has stopped growing. S.T.O.P.P.E.D. For a moment my heart stopped. After the inital shock we asked what was the next step, we were told IF that is the case there isn't much they can do. So, she has a CT scan scheduled for Tuesday at 10am and we will see her doctor at 10:30.
I really don't know how much more I can take. My heart is aching and I feel so sad all the time. I always dreamed of having a fairytale life...this is far from it. Although I have a wonderful family, husband and love my seems I am always taking one step forward, thirteen steps back.
I just ask for you to pray for us during this time. Prayer isn't something I normally depend on but I have tried everything else.
Sorry for such a depressing will get better after I am over this little hurdle. Hopefully.
link | posted by Mrs. TSB at 11:44 PM