Monday, March 26, 2007
Jesus, Pass The Snacks Please..

So, Big Sister goes to a 3k program at a local church. Every Wednesday they are read a bible story and colors a picture. Wednesday when she came home I asked her about the pictures, here's how the conversation went...
Me: Oh what a pretty picture, what did Jesus and his friends eat at the special meal?
Her: I don't know. ( a VERY common answer from her)
Me: Well, look at the picture, what are they eating?
(she studies the picture for a few seconds)
Her: Chocolate Chip Cookies, Goldfish crackers and koolaid.
God I love her..and I can TOTALLY see that!
link | posted by Mrs. TSB at 11:25 AM
Twins+1 had this to say:
awwww That i can see in the pic... lol. Too Cute
- 2:34 PM
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