Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Random Rambling...

- We are trying to stop saying "bad words" in our house, so we have decided to put a quarter in a jar everytime we say a "bad word." I was going to go to the bank and ask for $500 worth of quarters, but the strange looks I would get isn't appealing to me today. Besides that, damnit, I can say bad words as long as nobody's around because it doesn't count, right? Opps! *ching ching*
- Have you ever felt like you need to buy some important things, but too scared to buy it in fear of having to take it back? Yeah.
- I have been craving kidney beans all week. I am thinking of making some sort of kidney bean, tomato, brown rice and cheese thing...sounds good? We'll see.
- Everyone in my family including in-laws is acting very weird. I don't know what's up, but something is...(I'll keep you updated)
- We are going to open our pool this weekend. Yayy!!
- We are having a yard sale on May 6th. Come buy my crap.
- I have spent the last 2 days printing recipes from MarthaStewart.com...God, I love her.
- It's 94 today and the high tomorrow? 75.
- My bathroom needs some sort of decoration. Do people actually put pictures on bathroom walls? I need to think about this one...
link | posted by Mrs. TSB at 3:22 PM
had this to say:
yes people put pics on bathroom walls.. its different.. but good to see if there is a theme going
- 9:31 PM
had this to say:
I have pictures on bathroom walls too..Maxfield Parrish and Alphonse Mucha. But then again, I'm very eclectic (pseudonym for weird). Found you from Tramps Like Us. Funny my post today is about the rules of being a southern belle!
- 4:03 PM
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