Sunday, January 29, 2006
Whew..I'm back!
Somehow the week slipped right by and I didn't even notice! There has been some crazy things going on around here that keeps me busy. Right now I am getting ready to go the rain..because I need to walk (and lets face it, nothings any hotter than a fat girl, soaked by the rain, huffing and puffing around the block, right?) Here's some things going on around here...
My mother-in-law thinks I'm having an affair! Yep! She has flipped her lid! Because I go out every Friday night, usually without Mr. TSB (by his choice), she assumes I'm dating someone. LOL And of course the day she confronts me about it, I wasn't wearing my "rings" and she wanted to know where they were. "When you are married, you are supposed to have on your wedding rings, AT ALL TIMES" is what I was told. Bleh! As much as I love my rings, and they are BEE. YOU. TEE. FULL. I don't think it's a necessary accessory when going to the grocery store.
My husband, he is a geek. I was watching Beauty and the Geek and I was thinking to myself, my god, I married a geek. Is that a bad thing? Nah, I think he is wonderful, kind and understanding. He is very smart, and can figure out things that live me very confused. How come he doesn't know he's a geek? Denial? Or really doesn't see it? Growing up, he was a dungeon master (I have NO idea what that is, but he talked like it was important) and he never went out and "partied" like I did, he said he stayed at home and studied. The clothing style he had, pre-Mrs. TSB, was unbelievable! Let's face it, he just received some "cool" points marrying me. See, I told you he was smart!
Wanda died. The very first fish, we bought when we moved into this house, died yesterday. Somehow, it felt odd crying over a fish, but I did. It was probably more of the fact, when we got her, and what it meant more than the fish itself.
We are trying to make Valentines Day plans. I have no idea what we are going to do. I know there is a party the Friday night before Valentines Day and I am going to try and talk Mr. into going with me. If not, I can go by myself and pout in the corner!
Oh, one more thing, I am just not getting to the "Thanks for the Christmas presents, and Happy New Year" cards. Yep, I suck!
Have a good one...ya'll come now, hear?
R.I.P. My Fish Named Wanda
link | posted by Mrs. TSB at 10:47 AM
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