Friday, December 30, 2005
Hauling Ass...
Ya know, It's Dec. 30th and I am STILL sick. I have been sick since Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving! I don't know why I am staying sick but I need to haul ass and get out of this house..and I would if hauling ass wouldn't mean taking 2 trips! (yep, major weight gain)
I feel like ass! I am congested, my head hurts and I have Oompa Loompas in my nose producing snot faster than I can blow. (Tip: Get stock in Kleenex) I'm coughing and sneezing and can barely stay awake. Oh, and I'm winey...oh dear god, am I whiney!
Last few days things have happened that I don't feel is right or fair and I haven't cussed that's sick. But, once I'm feeling better...It's on like donkey kong.
link | posted by Mrs. TSB at 11:40 AM
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