Thursday, December 29, 2005
Goodbye Christmas and 2005...
....and hellllllloooooooooooo 2006! I know 2006 won't be here for a few more days, but here lately I seem to be too busy to post everyday. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and had a good year. This past year has been tough for me and my family and we are looking forward to a new year and a new beginning. I will leave this with some pictures of our Christmas trees, because frankly I was too lazy to take pictures of anything else *sighs*
This is our "snoopy tree" which is in our bedroom. It wasn't decorated the way I normally do, but again, I was lazy this year.

Our tree in the living room, I have decided to start collecting hallmark ornaments. Most of the ornaments on the tree now are the Pier 1 "Le Bien" ornaments that I collect. Also, this is our fireplace stuff.

This tree is in our gameroom/office. The pic is a little dark and small..but you can click on the pic and it will show up bigger :)
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