Tuesday, October 25, 2005
And Now The Fun Begins...
I figured I would start the blog off with a list game...here goes...
Seven things I plan to do:
1. Go To Ireland
2. Become a Foster Care Parent
3. See Annie On Broadway In NY
4. Read The New Nicholas Sparks Book
5. Lose Weight
6. Plan A Surprise Party
7. Start Buying Christmas Presents
Seven things I can do:
1. Make The Best Savory Autumn Soup
2. Drive long distances without getting cranky or falling asleep
3. Kick Ass In Poker
4. Write A Little Something In This Blog (almost) Every Day
5. Ride A Horse
6. Clog
7. Be A Little Psychic
Seven things I can't do:
1. Skydive
2. Fish
3. Can't Ride Rollercoasters Without Dramamine
4. Sing
5. Stand On The Edge Of Anything High
6. Be Within 1000ft. Of A Toad Or Frog Without FREAKING Out
7. Carry A Baby Full Term
Seven things I say most often:
1. Hey Ya'll!
2. Huh?
3. I'm As Bored As A Whore In Church!
4. Sugarpuss
5. Don't Tell Me What To Do, You're Not My Boss
6. Whatcha Doing?
7. Well, I'll Talk Atcha Later
Seven people I want to pass this tag to:
1 - 7. Anyone who wants to do it. (Leave a comment if you do.)
link | posted by Mrs. TSB at 12:27 AM
had this to say:
oh sure, count me in. and, i want the recipe for that soup, Marfa style
- 9:11 PM
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